Marketing Committee
Jim Wright Lead
The Marketing Committee needs participants as the marketing committee now has numerous sub-committees. The overall marketing plan outline is still in draft format. A strategic plan is being developed. Marketing Research through statistical information from surveys is vital to members. Survey is drafting a survey for HPMA. The goal is to keep the survey respondent fill out time to not more than 20 minutes. Jim also informed that HPMA has an RFP out for a new web site design and hosting. The goal is to have the new web site up and running by year end. A speakers Bureau will put together persons interested in doing presentations. Our advertising funding level is low so advertising will be at a minimal.
Modification Network
Lynn Pitts Lead
Lynn informed the membership that the outline criteria for the new network is complete and an application to join the network has been developed and ready for distribution. It is downloadable from this site or can be obtained by emailing The network database will be part of the new HPMA web site and will be included in the development criteria.
Industry Guidelines
Georgia Toney Lead
No report.
Education Committee
Jeffrey deRoulet Lead
Jeffrey reported that copyright documents will be available on the new web site. A possible seminar for the winter meeting in Las Vegas will be "How to Enter the Pre-Designed Plan Industry". A guest speaker will be found for this subject matter.
Financial & Membership
Tim Bakke Lead
No report